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Joerg Asma

Managing Director, Security and Investigations

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Joerg Asma's Bio:

Security and Resilience are two of the most important critical issues for companies and organizations. Today, after numerous revealings on governments and companies spying on each other, there is almost no single topic as plenty in the headlines of international media than Security. Keeping the most important assets away from third parties and detect and respond to attacks on cyber networks, top management executives and company boundaries, is on the board-agenda since years though.  For more than 15 years Joerg Asma is advising companies in assessing, setting up and advancing their Security and Resilience framework. Now as Managing Director of Comma Management Consulting for Security, the Security-Division of Comma Soft AG, Bonn, previously as Partner at KPMG Consulting, responsible for Information Protection & Business Resilience in EMEA. In these roles Joerg led a large number of client engagements in Fortune 500 companies as well as in SMEs.  Joerg supports governmental and international organizations like the European Union or the National Academy of Science and Engineering (ACATECH) to help others develop more knowledge and skills on Security and Resilience issues. Advising clients, deep diving into their challenges and finding excellent solutions together with his team drives his daily business and is his absolute passion. Joerg's anchor for his social media activities can found under

Joerg Asma's Experience:

  • Managing Director at Comma Management Consulting for Security

  • Partner at KPMG

  • Geschaeftsfuehrer / Managing Partner at KPMG Cert GmbH

  • (Senior) Manager at KPMG

    Development and delivery of Information Protection services

  • Senior Manager at Ernst & Young

    Technology and Security Risk Services

  • Business Consultant at IBM Tivoli Software

  • Large Account Project Manager at debis

  • Teamleiter Systemsmanagement at ADA - Das Systemhaus

  • Techn. Leiter Datenbankdienste at Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V.

Joerg Asma's Interests & Activities:

Information Security, Business Resilience, Cetification, Consuting, Advisory, Golf, Sailing, Cyber Security, Cyber Insurance

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